Welcome to my new tech toy (Next JS 13)
Recently I am exploring next js 13 which looks really nice when i am trying to write basic demo apps.
Let’s go through some of the plug-and-play tools of Next JS, for reading about what is new in Next JS then official Docs and very good to know more about it (
- app Directory (beta): Easier, faster, less client JS.
- Layouts
- React Server Components
- Streaming
- Turbopack (alpha): Up to 700x faster Rust-based Webpack replacement.
- New next/image: Faster with native browser lazy loading.
- New @next/font (beta): Automatic self-hosted fonts with zero layout shift.
- Improved next/link: Simplified API with automatic.
This playlist talk about all the changes in next js and how we can build next js 13 apps, we are looking into major topics like
- server components
- /app directory-based routing
- client and server-based components
- adding loading and error pages for routes
- nested layouts in the next js
- data fetching in server components
- async loading and suspense API with sync components
- nest js page based API
- accessing ORM and database from server components and page APIs
- Demo showcase applications like movies app, smart project manager with tasks
- session management with user login and register
- state management in client-based components
- deployment of next js to netlify/vercel
I will keep adding more videos to this playlist as I am loving the changes next js 13 provides, my main relief is now we don’t have these getServerSideProps and getStaticPaths-like methods to fetch data in server-side pages
Everything is simplified and it looks more like svelte-kit latest changes, sveltekit also gone through major changes and it follows the same aspects like folder-based routes and data fetching mechanism.
Happy Coding
Keep Learning as i will keep posting latest stuff on my channel